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Showing posts from January, 2020

2019 Programme Intro

Brexit.  It almost sounds like a Transformer, doesn’t it? And just like a Transformer, its most notable characteristic is going to be change.  I often receive questions about Brexit. Will it impact future guest lineups? Will flights (and everything else) become more expensive? Will I need some kind of funky new super-Visa to enter the UK? And perhaps most importantly, who will win custody of Jim Sorenson? The truth is, I don’t know. Nobody does. Not even Jim.  What I do know, however, is the set of values TFN holds which I’m confident will see us through any coming changes. We believe in fandom. We believe in friendship. We believe in people. And that means we believe in you - the TFNation. If there’s one thing this community can definitely handle, it’s a transformation (kibble and all). Whatever Brexit throws our way over the next twelve months, TFN will still be here and you will still be welcome, wherever you reside.  Of course change can only...