Hello. In case you've stumbled in and found this little corner of the internet by accident, here's a brief explanation. My name is Billy. I am one of the organisers of TFNation, which is a convention for fans of The Transformers and other shape-shifting robots. I'm here to talk to you today. I've toyed with the idea of writing something for a very long time. Almost a week in fact. Writing and me is an unusual pairing. I have a non-robot job which requires me to write to different audiences, in different tones through the day. Come home time, I'm into TFN mode, writing very different types of things to completely different audiences. The end result is that on a Saturday morning such as today, it's difficult to remember my actual voice. Then there's the issues of time and well, being busy, and before long, the blog format just feels like something other people do. Then there's the elephant in the room. The large, lingering question of "what wo...
convention stories